Lip Infections And Their Cures
Causes Of Lip Infections
The causes of swollen lips or lip infection can be several:• Due to viral infections such as those caused by the herpes virus. Such kinds of lip infection often lead to blisters as well as localized swelling. The main characteristic of such infections is that they are recurrent by nature and extremely contagious.
• Deficiency of certain micronutrients like folic acid, iron, vitamin B12 could cause lip infections
• Extreme cold could lead to lip infections
• Allergic reaction to food or other kinds of chemicals
• Sometimes lip infections could also be caused by fungal infections.
Symptoms Of Lip Infections
The symptoms of lip infections, no matter what the cause, are similar:• The lips swell up in such cases. Either the swelling is localized or the whole lip might swell up, either the upper or the lower lip
• When the lip infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus, the swelling is usually localized and could appear in different parts of the lips or a blisters on the lips, outer or inner part
• Sometime the sores could be filled with fluids
• Most of the blister like lip infections are painful and cause discomfort
Home Remedies For Of Lip Infections:
1. Use Of Coconut Oil
If infants are suffering from lip infection in the form of oral thrush, they can be provided relief by applying coconut oil onto swabs.• The application of the coconut oil can be applied on the nipple of the nursing mother
• The coconut oil is known to contain caprylic acid which is known to destroy the candida
2. Use Of Yoghurt
Yoghurt is beneficial for applying on the affected area because:• It is known to have healing and natural antiseptic properties
• The useful bacteria is known to help combat the infection
3. Gargling With Salt Water
It is known that salt water gargle is good to improve such infection in gown ups.• Salt should be mixed as one quarter of a teaspoon added to one cup of water
• The gargling should be done several times in a day
The salt water acts as a gentle antiseptic and helps to reduce the swelling and control the infection.
4. Use Of Garlic And Onions
These two ingredients are known to be anti fungal agents. If one is suffering from oral thrush then adding these ingredients in one’s diet will help to combat such infection.• One could add these two ingredients to one’s diet
• A decoction could be made out of them and a drink can be made out of it
• One could also use these two ingredients as a paste and apply on affected area
5. Reducing Sugar Intake
One needs to reduce the consumption of sugar as it aggravates the lip infection:• Sugar acts as food for fungus
• It will be encouraged to persist and counter any other remedy that is being taken to remove the infection
6. Using Castor Oil
One can use castor oil for treating lip infections in the following way:• One tablespoon of the oil can be taken in warm milk
• It could also be used as a solution to be applied on the affected area
7. Using Milk
While milk can be drunk for its many beneficial properties, it can also help the lip infections by:• The healing power of milk can be applied directly on the affected area
• It helps to control inflammations and reduce infections
8. Including Useful Herbs
There are herbs that are known to counter lip infections that are caused by fungus:• Blood root
• Golden seal paste
Both these two herbs are known to contain berberine. It is a compound that is naturally occurring. It is known to be effective towards countering fungal infections.
9. Taking Steps To Rid The Source Of The Problem
When one has suffered from a lip infection caused by fungal infection, it is necessary to ensure that the fungal infection does not recur again.• One needs to pay special attention to one’s personal hygiene level as well as the cleanliness of their immediate surroundings
• A proper diet should be followed which is rich in essential micronutrient
10. Increase Iron Intake In Diet
When one suffers from fungal infection on their list it is necessary that a diet which is rich in iron is taken in:• Iron rich foods like sesame seeds, spinach, jiggery can be consumed
• Dairy products, kidney and liver products are also known to be rich in iron
Such items will enrich the body and increase its ability to fight off the infection.
11. Avoid Medication In Case Of Lip Infections
Whether the infection occurs in infants or in adults, it is necessary to avoid medication. It is advised that natural remedy is resorted to:• Use natural ingredient to seek relief from the swellings and inflammation
• Fortify one’s diet with the right food items in order
When one resorts to natural remedies for addressing lip infections they will be able to reap long term benefits as the immunity system will be bolstered and the infections will be removed from their root causes.
12. Increase Intake Of Fluid
It is necessary to increase the intake of healthy fluids especially water.• It will help to flush out the toxins from the system
• The above effect helps to counter and control infections from going out of hand
13. Increase Intake Of Vitamin C
One should eat food that is rich in vitamin C.• Such food items are citrus based fruits
• Many vegetables are known to be rich in micronutrients
Such food items will help to fortify the immune system.
14. Avoid Biting The Lips
When one suffers from skin infection, they often feel itchy and are tempted to bite the affected area:• If the affected area is bit then the blisters get exaggerated
• The blisters should not be burst as that can increase the chances of infection further
15. Using Turmeric Paste
Turmeric is known to be a useful kitchen ingredient which has skin healing properties.• Turmeric past applied on the affected area helps to counter the inflammation
• It is known to effectively work on the bacterial infections
16. Avoid Spicy Food
One should not consume spicy food. That leads to:• The affected skin burns even more
• It could aggravate the boil or the infected area
When one intakes spicy food then the affected area tingles. The affected area may be a site of fungal, parasitic or bacterial infection. That would increase or aggravate the infection even more.
17. Smoking Tobacco
If you are prone to blisters or cold sores, you need to avoid:• Smoking
• Usage of tobacco products
Indeed, it is know that, the infections which cause cold sores are aggravated when one consumed tobacco containing substances like cigarette smoke and other related products. Such substances are harmful for health and can lead to oral cancer as well.
18. Use Tea Tree Oil
One can use tea tree oil as it is known to have many beneficial properties for the skin:• It can help to moisturize and reduce inflammations that are caused by the lip infection
• The tea tree oil will help to reduce the cold sores or blisters and act as a healing and anti bacterial agent
Indeed, the above remedies will work wonders on lip infections of any kind. There can be different causes for the lip infections; they can be viral, bacterial or fungal by nature. However, no matter what is the source of the lip infection, one can easily opt for one of the natural home remedies that are mentioned above.
Are you suffering from an embarrassing lip infection? Cold sores on the lips can look ugly and mar one’s looks and external appearance. Are you seeking long term solution to stop the recurring blisters that occur? You need to look towards safe and effective home remedies. These will surely help one to find long lasting relief from such recurring infections.
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