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Warning over vape e-liquid which ‘can give you an erection lasting for two days’

A Chinese brand of e-liquid could be an awkward choice to vape on your cigarette break – as it could give you an erection lasting for two days. That’s going to be tough to manage if you’re suddenly called into a meeting. A Chinese vape company, HelloCig Electronic Technology Co, made vape liquid which included the erection drugs Cialis and Viagra – and could now face stiff penalties in America.
The company, which markets 150 types of e-liquid, is in hot water with American authorities – and could face ‘civil money penalties, criminal prosecution, seizure, and/or injunction’.
The Food and Drug Administration sent a warning letter to the Chinese company, asking the company to change their products, which are made in China but sold in America.
The letter said, ‘There are no e-liquid products approved to contain prescription drugs or any other medications that require a doctor’s supervision.
‘Prescription drugs are carefully evaluated and labeled to reflect the risks of the medications and their potential interactions with other medicines, and vaping active drug ingredients is an ineffective route of delivery and can be dangerous.’

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