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Fewa Lake & Fishtail Mountain

Pokhara is a remarkable place for natural beauty at an altitude of 827 m above mean sea level & 200 km west of Kathmandu. This city is ever known as a real paradise in Earth. The Valley is filled with swift flowing river and dotted with clear gleaming lakes. It is blessed with the back drop is the most dramatic sceneries in world. A 140km of panoramic Himalayan ranges seem close enough to be touched. But also can be felt. The magnificence of the Himalayas rising behind the lake create an ambience of peace & magic, popular for water rafting, Kayaking and trekking expeditions following the unification of Nepal in 1769. It took a shape of permanent bazaar (small town). Newar migrants from Kathmandu Valley established business and introduced new architecture design of the city. It grew as a catering place to caravan traders with limited infrastructure facilities located at the break of bulk point along the trans-Himalayan trade routes.

Designation of Pokhara as the Administrative Headquarter of Western Region No-3 during the Rana regime supported to flourish Pokhara valley. The political changes of 1951 further accelerated the development activities including linkage with Kathmandu and surroundings in 1957. In 1958, the valley was formally declared as a municipality and resumed into Town Panchayat in 1965. Establishment of Indian Pension Paying Camp in 1960 and the British Pension Paying Camp in 1966 attracted in-migrants in Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City. Hydro-Power generated from Phewa Dam provided electricity for the first time in Pokhara. Construction of two High ways Viz. the Sunauli-Pokhara Highway (1969) and the Prithivi Highway (1972) linked Nepal with Indian boarders through the terai and hills.Progress in functional establishments and growth as a center of trekking tourists contributed to its development. Designation of Pokhara as the eadquarters of the Western Development Region of Nepal in 1972 Contributed to upgrade Pokhara Municipality into the present status of Sub-Metropolitan City in 1996.

  • Between 83º 58'30" East to 80º02'30" East Longitude
  • And 28º 10' North to 28º 16' north latitude.
  • Area Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City 55.66 Km²
  • Pokhara Valley floor 123 Km²
  • Tectonic Valley between main Himalayan range and Mahabharat Lekh
  • Gravelly surface slanting from northwest to southeast
  • Elevation ranges from 627 mete to 980 meter above sea level
  • River Seti with deep gorges and its tributaries and lake Phewa (4.43 Km') are prominent drainage
  • Humid Sub-Tropical monsoon with hot and wet summer and cold and fairly dry winter.
  • Temperature: minimum 6ºc and Maximum 31ºc
  • Annual rainfall: 3880 mm

Projected Population, 2008 2,93,696
Population Census, 2001 156312
An average family size 6.1
Population density 3848.83 Sq. km
An average annual growth rate 7.41%
No. of HH (Estimated) 57,305

Population composition 2001

Brahman 22.83%
Gurung 21.62%
Magar 8.20%
Chhetri 15.35%
Newar 1.05%
Tamang 2.65%
Sanvasi 0.96%
Muslim/Chureta 1.21%
Thakali 1.08%
Rai 0.84%
Thakuri 1.55%
Rai 0.84%
Thakuri 1.55%
Dalit 8.71%
Unidentified 1.52%
Others 11.32%

Main fairs & festivals


  • Dhungesangu Jatra,
  • Sunpandeli Jatra,
  • Bhairab Jatra,
  • Bagh Jatra,
  • Gai Jatra,
  • Haribodhani Ekadasi Mela,
  • Teej Jatra,
  • Talbarahi Jatra etc.
Heritage Sites
  • Natural Heritage Sites
  • Phew Lake
  • Seti River Gorge
  • Kamal Pokhari
  • Mahendra Cave
  • Patale Chhango (Devis Falls)
  • Gupteshwor Cave and
  • Shanti Ban Batika (Peace grove forest) etc.
  • Bada Dashain
  • Deepawali
  • Teej, Srawune Sarkranti
  • Maghe Sarkranti
  • Buddha Purnima
  • Lhoshar
  • Janai Purnima
  • Fagu Purnima (Holy)
  • Chaite Dashain
  • Shree Krishna Janmastami
  • Shree Panchami
Cultural Heritage Sites
  • Bindhabasini Temple
  • Tal Barahi Temple
  • Bhadrakali Temple
  • Narayan Than
  • Shova Bhagawati
  • Sitala Devi
  • Bhimsen Than
  • Bhairab Than
  • Jalpa Devi
  • Saraswati Temple
  • Bauddha Monastries
  • Buddha Bihar
  • Ram Krishna Tole
  • Gandrva Tole etc.
Basic Infrastructure


Air Service: Different airlines to Nepal, Kathmandu are available from India & abroad. Maximum of 39 scheduled flights to Pokhara from Kathmandu are available and it took 25 to 30 minutes, Mountain flights as well as rescue and pilgrimage flight are available from Pokhara.

Highways 12Km Part of three Highways
Blacktopped 165.01Km
Graveled 35.99Km
Earthen 66.235Km
Total 267.24 Km
Surface Drainage 49.00 Km
Drinking Water Supply 26 Million Litres per day

Health Services

Regional Hospital
300 beds
Regional Tuberculosis Hospital Outdoor facility only
Manipal Teaching Hospital 865 beds
Community Hospital 25 beds
Nursing Homes 11 Nos.
Polyclinics 2 Nos.
Ayurvedic Medicare 6 Nos.
Nursing Homes 11 Nos.
Private Clinic & Pharmacies 63 Nos.


Industrial customers 549
Non commercial 256
Commercial 216
Domestic 24,589
Heritages 100
Irrigation 3
Others 8
Total 25,721

Communication - Total Telephone Lines

Nepal Telecom (land line) 22641nos.
Mobile (Postpaid) 6000
Mobile (Prepaid) 51000
CDMA 1500
PCO’S 22
Mero Mobile Post paid & Prepaid Mobile Services is in use


Community Private
Pre-primary - 2
Primary 11 25
Lower Secondary 7 11
Secondary 10 79
Higher Secondary 11 11
Total 39 126


Community Private

Male Female Male Female
Primary 4701 5498 10840 8586
Lower Secondary 2964 3744 5459 4236
Secondary 1913 2212 2756 2370


Tribhuvan University Campus 4
Tribhuvan University Affiliated Campus 5
Pokhara University Campus 1
Pokhara University affiliated Campus 6
Kathmandu University affiliated Campus 1
Mahendra Sanskrit University Affiliated Campus 1


Fire Brigade 2
Ambulance 4
City Hall 1
Stadium 1


Income Sources 2005 / 2006

Land Revenue 16.35%
Local Taxes 4.74%
Property Rental and Local Development Tax 53.44%
Fee and Fines 25.24%
Misc. income 0.23%


Types of industries 87
Total industries of all types (Small to medium scale) 2650
Employed Population 21023


Number of business firms (Registered in.)
(the dominant business activities are grocery, restaurants and bar, fancy stores and hotels)
Business firms (Registered in Vat) 2618
Business Firms (Registered in Non Vat) 15707


5 Stars Hotels 4
3 Stars Hotels 2
2 Stars Hotels 12
1 Stars Hotels 1
Tourist Standard Hotels 146
Room Available 4689
Bed Numbers 9352
Classified hotels and tourist class lodge 370
Restaurant and bar 774
Trekking agencies 41
Travel agencies 52
Trekking guide 504
Total arrival of tourists in 2005
Japanese 6404
American 2821
British 7607
German 4625
Indian 16887
Others 35668
Total 74012
Tourists by Air 59%
Tourists by Land 41%


Community Development Services (Urban Basic Services)

The Community Development Services (Integrated Services) Programme was launched as an Urban Basic Services (UBS) Programme from 1991 to 1998. From 1997, this programme was re-launched as a community development (Convergent) Services programme in Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City. In the beginning, this programme provided a great deal of physical support including construction support to the urban poor communities. The programme provided latrine construction, school building construction, drainage construction, water tap construction, etc. Many types of skill development training, literacy programmes for women, health/hygiene/immunisation services for children and women, Child Day Care Centres were also provided. From 1997, this programme has been focusing on only children and women. From 2002, a five year agreement was signed and the name and features of the programme was changed as Decentralised action for Children and Women (DACAW). Now, UNIEF is going to phase out and PSMC is exercising for takeover of the running activities under this programme. The activities are as follows.
  1. Health / Material and Child Health (MCH) Programme
    • MCH Clinic -22 Clinic every month
    • Children Health Camps -2/3 camps every year
    • National Vitamin A Programme – 2 times every year
    • National Immunisation/ Polio Day – as nationally required
    • Urban DOTS Centre -5 Centres
    • Female Community Health Volunteers Programme – 56 Trained Volunteers
  2. Child Development Programme
    • Child Development Centre -17 centres
  3. Community Action Process -4 Communities in 2 wards
  4. Child Birth Registration –Orientation/ Campaigning / Awareness and supporting to the regular registration.
  5. Parental Orientation.
  6. Urban Out of School children Programme (UOSP) for working children / child labour.
  7. Training and skill development.
    • MCH, HIV / AIDS
    • Early Childhood Development (ECD), Parental Orientation (PO)
    • Gender, Child rights, Women rights
    • Leadership development, Office management, PRA
    • UOSP, Psycho – Social Counselling
    • Community Development/ Social Mobilisation
    • Other skill Development trainings for women empowerment

Programme implemented at 10th December 1998 with the assistance of UNDP.

  1. To improve management capabilities of municipalities for good governance.
  2. To improve livelihood of rural and urban poor and disadvantages people through RU linkage activities
  1. Established urban information centre
  2. Formed 305 tole organisation (Community groups) within 37305 households.
  3. Trained people by enhancing capacity and socio economic activities (No. of people 6242).
  4. Completed 149 cases of tole development plan through community mobilisation of total project cost Rs. 1,96,59,896.
  5. Women and disadvantage people empowered to income generating and leadership activities in ratio of 55% in total.
  6. Running 1130 economic enterprises with credit facilities of Rs 2,78,20,379 and equity Rs 2,48,31,119.
  7. Supported in local economy worth Rs. 60 millions by saving mobilisation and credit facilities.
  8. Linkage with surrounding Village Development committee in socio economic sector.

PPPUE Programme is being implemented in Pokhara since 2001 with the assistance of UNDP. The programme focuses to mobilise the private sectors to use their resources and management capabilities to deliver urban facilities to the municipal people. The main stakeholders of the programme are the municipality, private sector and community groups.
  • Running projects under (PPPUE) 4
  • Proposed projects under (PPPUE) 7

The Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City is dedicated to develop the city as a capital of tourism, education, health and greenery. The specialisation in these sectors of development is feasible because of its favorable geo-physical and socio-cultural environment and active participation of urban population. It is envisaged that Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan city can be an environment friendly city in the sub-continent.

Considering these realities Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan authority is committed to improve physical infrastructure and services namely, urban road, surface drainage, drinking water supply, electricity, telecommunication, solid waste management, public sanitation, education and health facilities and to provide these services to urban population efficiently. Effective implementation of the by-laws is taken as priority task to check the haphazard and uncontrolled urbanisation. Considering the socio-economic level of the urban population, the priority is given to skill enhancement and income and employment generating programmes. Similarly, the issue of environment and its conservation is also equal important to upkeep the urban environment in balance to convert Pokhara into the best and attractive destination for tourists and to make our dreams come true as well.


With its headquarters in the city of Pokhara, the Western (Pashchimanchal) Region is one of Nepal's five development regions, and despite its name, it actually lies in the middle of the country with the Mid-Western and Far-Western Regions to the north-west and the Central and Eastern Regions to the south-east. The city of Pokhara lies in the picturesque Pokhara Valley, an extension of the Seti Gandaki valley. The Western Region is known for its impressive geographical features, with mountains rising up dramatically to great heights, such as the Annapurna, Manaslu and Dhaulagiri ranges which all have peaks over 8,000 meters in height.

The neighboring districts are Tanahu, Syangja, Parbat, Lamjun, Gorkha, Myagdi, Mustang and Baglung

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